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Jay Tong was part of the recent Japan Trip crew and put together a photo essay exploring the theme of motion from people and surroundings. The end result is amazing and I’m excited to share them here!
“Motion in One Frame”
Look far if you don’t want your head to swivel back and forth at super speeds. Shot from Shinkansen on the way to Nagoya.
Sun rising peacefully. Shot outside of Nagoya Castle early morning.
Moving in to clean the tables briefly after patrons leave. Shot at the top of Fushimi-Inaru, looking through one of the window panels of a little rest shop.
I remember wearing uniforms to school back in Singapore…yeah, hard pass. Shot while roaming early morning a couple blocks away from our Kyoto Airbnb.
The super quick rickshaw ride through Arashiyama. Shot while chasing them at the same speed.
Water forever moving. Shot at Minoo Park.
Express train. Just don’t express yourself while riding on it. Shot at Osaka Station.
Cars and traffic aren’t too different, but note the high walls on the overhead freeway used to reduce traffic noise on the surrounding neighborhoods. Respect has a value in everything. Shot around Namba Hatch.
Not too different from the busyness of New York. Shot in Shibuya.
Motion as a fashion statement. Cohesive AF, especially with the rain that day. Shot in Harajuku.
Speed and precision while making sushi is necessary – maintaining room temperature, proper width of the cut, and balance of all the seasonings. Even if you know how the magic trick is done, doing it is the whole damn art form. Shot at Tsukiji Market.
Motion at
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