Generally, for pho restaurants, the crappier the exterior, the better the pho. Pho1 is located in a pretty much abandoned strip mall, but it was the only four-star pho place near Six Flags.
Hence, we decided to give it a try – we were starving after a day screaming our lungs off riding roller coasters. Needed some food to warm us up.
We arrived and promptly noted the crappy exterior, as well as the very Vietnamese-looking decor of the restaurant. Christmas lights? Check. Chopstick/soup spoon holders? Check. Statue of a golden Buddha? Check.
The pho was amazing. Honestly one of the best I’ve had, and I’ve been to quite a few back at SoCal. The rice noodles, usually mushy at many other places, were chewy. The broth was rich and flavorful. The meat was cooked just right.
Service was quick, and Khang, Eric, James, and I left feeling full, and sleepy. It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced true contentedness after a meal. Looks like Pho1 did the trick.
What the pho at