I’ll try to keep this one short. Today is the official start of “Dead Week,” the study week for Berkeley students. This is the week that students use to catch up with friends, hang out, watch missed TV episodes, and…study.
I have three finals coming up next week: Math 16A and History 7B on Tuesday, and Music 26AC on Thursday. After the music final, I will be officially done with my first year of college. Can’t wait.
In terms of studying, I (sort of) started today. What was supposed to be an efficient night of studying turned into a NBA-watching, YouTube browsing, talking-to-friends sort of night.
I will be going back to studying shortly.
I’m not too worried about classes this semester, compared to the hell on earth that was Stats 21 I experienced last semester. History might be a bit tough, but hey, I’m starting early.
My calendar for the week is already packed. I have hangouts, club events, basketball games, and study sessions to go to. Looks like it’ll be a pretty busy dead week. Just hope my finals turn out okay.
Ace the finals at randomtidbitsofthought.wordpress.com.