Hey all, just got back from ABA’s member retreat to Lake Tahoe. I had an awesome time snowboarding and falling on my face. Right now, I’m exhausted and need to get some sleep, so I’ll update my trip in tomorrow’s blog post.
For now, thought I’d let you know that I finally have a TV! My roommate bought a 26″ HDTV (720p). What seemed to be missing throughout the year is finally present in our room.
I don’t know how much this will affect my schoolwork, but I don’t really watch TV shows and I’m sure a basketball game playing in the background won’t hurt. Now, for that PS3 back at home (yeah, that one, Alan).
Read at randomtidbitsofthought.wordpress.com.
Glen, are you sore yet?!
Yeah, I can no longer feel my body. 🙂