Ice Skating at SF

Today, I went ice skating for the first time in my life. I went with my floormates Dow, Davin, Lisa, Amy, and Olga. It was so much fun, I almost forgot the times I wiped out and ate ice. But seriously, ice skating is definitely something I want to try again in the future.

We left Berkeley around 9:20pm via the BART station, arrived at SF, walked a bit and took in the sights and sounds, and arrived at the Yerba Buena skating rink. Bought the tickets, slipped on the skates, and headed out to the rink at 10:00.

I got off to a decent start. I had never ice-skated before, but I did rollerblade back in elementary school. I knew the basics of going, but I didn’t really know how to turn or stop.

But soon, with the some practice, I had gotten my turns down a little better. At random times though, when all seemed well, I would hook the tip of the blade into the ice and just eat it. I had no idea how, until Dow told me that I was leaning forward too much.

After an hour skating in the rink (until closing time) and multiple close-calls, I felt much more comfortable in ice skates. I noticed that I could push out a bit more to accelerate, and I definitely could turn without stumbling around like a madman.

By the time I took off the skates, I could hardly feel my feet. I was exhausted. Now I knew just how tough professional figure skaters had to be.

Soon, we were at Mel’s Diner, a 50s-style diner. Keeping with my New Year’s resolution, I ordered a strawberry lemonade.

Verdict: ice skating is fun and I will definitely be doing it again.

I blog at Visit!

One Response
  1. January 31, 2010